Dental Aesthetics
Dental Aesthetics
Smile Design:
It is the evaluation and redesign of the smile shape, which includes detailed aesthetic analysis, in which the distance of the lips with the gingiva and the relationship of the teeth with each other or separately in line with a number of aesthetic criteria are evaluated.
Smile Design Criteria; The lip level, the length of the teeth, the gingival level, the color of the teeth, the alignment of the teeth, the harmony of the lips and teeth when smiling, and the laughing line.
Digital Smile Design:
Digital Smile Design : Digital Smile Design: Dentistry procedures used to ensure that the smile looks pleasant and aesthetically pleasing to the face in three dimensions according to the golden ratios specific to the patient. Contrary to popular belief, Digital Smile Design is not just software. It is the general name of the system that enables the preparation of a treatment plan in line with certain principles with some programs and presenting the treatment plan to the patient and the physician.
What is Gum Aesthetics (Pink Aesthetics)?:
Regardless of dentures or natural teeth, the harmony between dentures and gums is called pink aesthetics. The first condition for pink aesthetics is to have healthy gums. Healthy gums have a rough structure that tightly surrounds light pink teeth or dentures.
How Pink Aesthetic Treatments Are Performed?
In some cases, pink aesthetics is required for aesthetic appearance and health, which deteriorates due to gingival enlargement, treatment of gingival recessions or irregular gingival is applied in order to achieve harmony between the teeth and the gums surrounding the teeth. Gum aesthetics is achieved by correcting the enlarged gums in accordance with the shape of the teeth or by interventions to wrap the receding gums around the tooth again. We recommend to complete the Smile Aesthetics and pink aesthetic treatments with the Private WestDent Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic. Smile Aesthetic Treatments options are available and we can summarize as follows.
Resective: These are the interventions provided by the deterioration or enlargement of the gums, the cutting and removal of the gums. Gingivectomy = It is the process of cutting the gums. Gingivoplasty = Correcting the gums is called gingivoplasty.
Flap : If the bone around the tooth needs to be shaped together with the gums, it is aimed to complete the smile aesthetics with operations called flaps.
Regeneration : The repair processes caused by the formation of new tissue caused by gingival recessions are called Regeneration.
Zirconium Dental Veneer:
Zirconium veneer is the most used dental veneer material in smile design. It is among the first choices of people who are meticulous and sensitive about personal care. Zirconium is a white mineral and is processed into zirconia ceramics in special furnaces. It provides a look close to the real tooth. If we list the most preferred Zirconium Veneer features, it is more natural than other veneers as it is a light-transmitting material and does not cause a dark reflection on the gingiva as it does not contain metal like other veneers. In a Zirconium veneer compatible with the gingiva, the risk of gingival diseases seen in metal veneers is much lower. Due to its structure, zirconium material is much stronger than metal coatings. It minimizes the discoloration that may occur due to reasons such as tea and cigarettes. It does not cause taste changes and bad breath in the mouth. It does not cause gingival problems caused by the coating.
Zirconium Dental Prices 2022: Prices determined by the Turkish Dental Association are applied in our private WestDent Oral and Dental Health Clinic. These prices vary in line with the needs and demands of the patient.
Lamine Diş :
Lamine diş kaplama , estetik gülüş tasarımında en çok kullanılan malzemelerden biridir. Diş minelerinin hasar gördüğü ,bozulduğu durumlarda , diş renklerinin değiştiği durumlarda, kişilerin dişlerinin ön yüzeyine uygulanır . Lamine diş kaplanırken dişlerin ön yüzeyi için üretilen 0,3 ila 0,10 mm kalınlığında olan güzel estetik görünüm sağlayan bir diğer adı da yaprak porseleler diş olan çok ince bir porselendir. Diğer adları ise lamine, dental veneer dir.Özel ince porselenler dişlerin ön yüzeylerine küçük bir aşındırma yapılarak yapıştırılır sonrasında dişlerin genişlik, uzunluk, şekil ve renk değişikliği sağlanmış olur. Hollywood Gülümsemesinde en çok kullanılan kaplama malzemesidir. Lamine diş kaplamalar aynı zamanda dişleri aşınmış ,kırık, yada dişlerinin arasındaki diş boşluğundan hoşlanmayan kişilere de alternatif gülüş tasarımı tedavisi olarak uygulanır. Lamine diş kimlere uygulanabilir sorusuna gelirsek çiğneme bozukluğu gibi sorunu ya da çene kapanışında sorun olmayan kişilere uygulanabilir.
Laminated Teeth :
Laminated tooth veneer is one of the most used materials in aesthetic smile design. It is applied to the front surface of the teeth of people in cases where tooth enamel is damaged, deteriorated, and tooth colors changed. It is a very thin porcelain with a thickness of 0.3 to 0.10 mm, which is produced for the front surface of the teeth when laminated teeth are covered,provides a beautiful aesthetic appearance, another name is leaf porcelain teeth. Other names are laminate, dental veneer. Special fine porcelains are adhered to the front surfaces of the teeth by making a small abrasion, and then the width, length, shape and color of the teeth are changed. It is the most used covering material in the Hollywood Smile. Laminated dental veneers are also applied as an alternative smile design treatment to people whose teeth are worn, broken, or who do not like the tooth gap between their teeth. If we come to the question of who can apply laminated teeth, it can be applied to people who have problems such as chewing disorder or jaw closure.
Laminated Teeth Prices 2022
Bayraklı Private WestDent Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic laminated tooth prices, which work at the prices determined by the Turkish Dentists Association, are applied at the tariffs determined by the Turkish Dentists Association.
dental aesthetics